- 后继有人什么意思:hòu jì yǒu rén 【解释】有后人继承前人的事业。【拼音码】hjyr【灯谜面】满堂儿孙;绝户头生对双生子接力跑【用法】主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;形容事业有接班人【英文】there is no lack of successors
- 后继有人的英语:have qualified successors; have worthy successors (to the cause of...); qualified successors will surely emerge.; successors will come.; successors will unfailingly come forth.; there are people who will carry on in every generation.; there is no lack of people to carry on (the cause)
- 后继有人的日语:あとをつぐひとがいる後 を継ぐ人 がいる