- 厕所什么意思:cèsuǒ专供人大小便的地方。
- 厕所的英语:lavatory; washroom; water closet (wc); toilet; latrine; [美俚] john; the w.c.: 厕所在哪里? where is the w.c.?; where can i wash my hand?; where can i add some powder?; where is the toilet?; where is the lavatory?; where's the restroom? 最近的厕所在西街。 the nearest public conveniences are in west street
- 厕所的法语:名toilette;cabinet;w.c.
- 厕所的日语:便所.トイレ.上厕所/トイレに行く.
- 厕所的韩语:[명사] 변소.公gōng共厕所;공중변소 =公厕 =[便biàn所] [中zhōng厕儿] [【방언】 茅厕máo‧si] [茅堂] [【방언】 茅司] [【방언】 茅房] [【방언】 毛máo房] [【초기백화】 东dōng厕]
- 厕所的俄语:[cèsuǒ] см. 厕