- 万无一失什么意思:wàn wú yī shī 【解释】指非常有把握,绝对不会出差错。【出处】汉·枚乘《七发》:“孔老览观,孟子持筹而算之,万不失一。”【拼音码】wwys【灯谜面】铁壳里放鸡蛋十百千【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、状语;形容有绝对把握【英文】no danger of anything going wrong
- 万无一失的英语:no danger of anything going wrong; be on the safe side; ... cannot fail under any circumstances; guarantee complete success; no risk at all; not a chance of an error; (make it more than probable that) nothing will go wrong; perfectly safe; surefire; the chances are a thousand to one, we shall not fail.: 由他掌舵, 通过这段激流险滩是万无一失的。 with him at the helm, we are a hundred percent safe crossing these treacherous rapids
- 万无一失的法语:sans faute;de toute sécurité;absolument sûr;être infaillible;rien n'est laissé au hasard./toutes les précautions sont prises.
- 万无一失的日语:〈成〉万に一つの失敗もない.絶対にまちがいない.
- 万无一失的韩语:【성어】 만무일실. 만(萬)에 하나의 실수도 없다;결코 틀림이 없다. =[万不失一] →[百无一失]
- 万无一失的俄语:[wàn wú yī shī] всё будет в полном порядке; ничего не случится