

  • 测量



  • 例句与用法
  • Methods intracoronal bleaching was given to exsomatized teeth , and the amounts of penetrated hydrogen peroxide was determind by spectro - photo - metry
  • Based on all of above , the theories of polarimetric sar interferometry were studied , and several pivotal problems were lucubrated , including vector interfero - metry , coherence optimization , and coherent scattering decomposition
  • Abstract : to decrease bending and twist deformation of non - sym metry extruded sections , a new conception of local extrusion ratio and die band ratio has been set up , and also the formulas for the place of die hole on the ba sis of simulating test
  • There has been many papers to discuss the in - medium quark and gluon condensates in nuclear matter which use the models with su ( 2 ) l su ( 2 ) r sym - metry . now , we make use of the chiral model su ( 3 ) l su ( 3 ) n including the baryon octet to discuss the quark condensate < qq > in strange matter , where q is an up or down quark field . on the one hand , from the experimetal data , it is found that < qq > vac = - ( 225 25mev ) 3 , on the other hand , with the hellmann - feynman theorem , quark condensate can be evaluated on the hadronic level . in this paper , we will investigate the quark condensate in strange matter with the chiral symmetry su ( 3 ) l x su ( 3 ) rspontaneous breaking lagrangian to obtain the variation of the quark condensate in the strange matter when the baryon number change . it can be applied to understand the neutron stars when the neutron star are considered to be constructed by the strange matter . because nertron stars are homogeneous and at very low temperature , we will use the mean - field approximation and zero temperature throughout this paper
    鉴于已有大量文献讨论了核物质中的夸克凝聚,本文将讨论在奇异物质中的夸克凝聚。而在介质中的夸克凝聚的基本公式可由hellmann - feynman理论导出,所以运用手征对称自发破缺拉氏量以及平均场近似,我们就可以讨论在奇异物质中的夸克凝聚,由所计算的结果表明: ( 1 )奇异物质中的夸克凝聚随奇异物质密度的增大而单调减小。 ( 2 ) -凝聚的出现对衰减率有影响。
  • 其他语种释义
  • metryとは意味-me? try [-m?tri] 【接尾】「測定法[学,術]」の意の名詞を作る anthropometry/geometry.
  • 推荐英语阅读
metry的中文翻译,metry是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译metry,metry的中文意思,metry的中文metry in Chinesemetry的中文metry怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
