The shrimp of main commercial importance is metapenaeus ensis 基围主要具经济价值的是刀额新对虾
Part iii comparative studies on the morphology and ultrastructure of compound eyes in two kinds of crustacean . the morphology and fine structure of compound eyes in two species ( portunus tritubereulatus , metapenaeus ensis ) were studied by electron microscope 三、几种不同分类地位甲壳动物复眼超微结构的比较用电子显微镜观察了三疣梭子蟹( portunustritubereulatus )和刀额新对虾( metapenaeusensis )的光感受器。
There is no thumb - shaped area on the back of the compound eye . the results under transmission electron microscope show that the fine structure of the compound eye in portunus tritubereulatus is different from that in metapenaeus ensis . the former has eleven retinular cells which composed the compound eye 两部分的小网膜细胞在结构上基本相同,都含有线粒体、多囊体、内质网、色素颗粒等,但是上部的小网膜细胞没有扳膜体,而且胞质比较致密,膜下储泡囊的空腔较小,里面有膜状结构。