You ll be mesmerised by the mysteries of the deep 形态各异七彩缤纷的鱼类和珊瑚,肯定令您叹为观止!
But it is the prosperity of urban china that mesmerises foreign businesses 但是仅仅是城市的繁华吸引外国投资者。
You seem to be mesmerised 你看起来被
I would be very happy if they would not trust people . if they are mesmerised they are 因为如果他是被催眠的话,他们一定会信任我所说的话。
The swimming motion is mesmerising and the contrasting red and white body colours illustrated on the stamp are very attractive 邮票上,鱼体的颜色红白分明,对比强烈。
The mesmerising specificity of faded photographs and fly - specked wedding licences makes it all seem less arbitrary 泛黄的老照片迷人而独特,结婚证书上陈斑点点,我们又怎么能说这些联系是任意而随便的呢?
For edward , who is suffering first - night nerves , this moment will be the resolution of a prospect that has mesmerised him for more than a year 对爱德华而言,他正经历着初夜焦虑,他为这一刻已经期待、神往了超过一年。
Sakamoto ryuichi then lends his touch to compose a hauntingly mesmerising score . finally , the pitch - perfect duel roles are performed by miyazawa rie 他做了插画师,一个人的世界如旧,直至宫泽理惠出现,一个人才变两个,但一次巨变,却打回原形。
Come face to face with a large number of sharks as you travel through a glass - enclosed underground tunnel . you ll be mesmerised by the encounter 透过亚洲首条水底参观隧道,孩子们能亲眼观看这些活生生的深海霸主,感受其慑人威势,既刺激又紧张!
Watching them , one can ' t help but to be touched by their love , mesmerised by their affection , delighted by their happiness , and saddened by their misfortune 看他们,你会情不自禁得被他们的爱所感动,被他们的感情所陶醉,因其高兴而高兴,因其悲伤而悲伤。