The perspective just as moral truths, that are presented in their simplicity without the meretricious aids of ornament or glitter . 远景就象真理一样的朴实无华,没有任何矫揉造作和脑人耳目的虚饰。
Meretricious finery to deceive the eye 他砰砰地敲着栏秆。
The books on her father s shelves , the paintings on the walls , the music on the piano - all was just so much meretricious display 她父亲架上的书墙上的画和钢琴上的乐曲至多也不过是些平庸的装饰。
A wide range of books on cryptography is available from bookshops , libraries which haven t been reduced through misguided management policies and lack of funds to stocking only meretricious junk , and from various online sources 可以从那些还未由于误导的管理策略和缺乏资金而沦落到只卖华丽而庸俗垃圾的书店、图书馆中得到各种有关密码术的书籍,也可以从各种在线资源获取。
I have seen in his face a far different expression from that which hardens it now while she is so vivaciously accosting him ; but then it came of itself : it was not elicited by meretricious arts and calculated manoeuvres ; and one had but to accept it - to answer what he asked without pretension , to address him when needful without grimace - and it increased and grew kinder and more genial , and warmed one like a fostering sunbeam 我曾见到过他一种全然不同的表情,不象她此刻轻佻地同他搭讪时露出的冷漠态度。但那时这种表情是自然产生的,不是靠低俗的计谋和利己的手腕来索讨的。你只要接受它就是他发问时你回答,不用弄虚作假需要时同他说话,不必挤眉弄眼而这种表情会越来越浓,越来越温和,越来越亲切,象滋养人的阳光那样使你感到温暖。
like or relating to a prostitute; "meretricious relationships"
based on pretense; deceptively pleasing; "the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility"; "meretricious praise"; "a meretricious argument" 同义词:gilded, specious,