In fine, i think i had all the danger, as well as all the profit, of that little blind-man's medley on the beach . 总之,我认为在海滩上的那一场捉迷藏似的小小混战中,对我说来,胜和败各占着一半呢。
Development of asp . net medley mode online test system 的网上考试系统的设计与实现
There is no bruised fruit in that medley . - no beasts -都不怕被挤伤? -牲口不怕挤
What ' s the order of stokes in medley events 混合泳的顺序是怎样的?
A : and the order in medley relays 混合泳接力赛的顺序又是怎样的呢?
And the order in medley relays 混合泳接力赛的顺序又是怎样的呢?
Is lewis going to enter the man ' s 200 - meter medley relay 刘易斯准备参加男子200米混合接力赛吗?
It sounds great . do you know the order of medley relays 听起来不错,你知道混合泳接力赛的顺序吗?
Savion glover ' s doing a tap medley from 萨温.格洛佛要表演
a musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources 同义词:potpourri, pastiche,
medleyとは意味:medley n. 寄せ集め; メドレー. 【形容詞 名詞+】 ◆He will compete in a 200-meter individual medley. 200 メートル個人メドレーに出場する予定です ◆He switched to a jazz medley of the tunes from Bernstein's “West Side Story." バーンスタインの?ウェストサ...