There is an old christian phrase - crux medicina mundi - the cross , the medicine of the world - a phrase which is rather remarkable in that it suggests that religion is a medicine rather than a diet 基督教有句古语:十字架是医治世界的良药,这句话说得很明白:宗教是药物胜于是食物。
According to the excellent penetrability of vapor , the wetting machine of chinese traditional medicine words in the follwing principle ; medicina materials are in the vacuum an low temperature vapor is piped in , the vapor rapidly go into the inner of medicine , and in arapid way the medicine materials are soften symmetrical 中药润药机是根据蒸汽具有强力穿透性的特点,将处于真空状态下的药材,通入低温蒸汽,蒸汽快速穿透到药材内部,使药材快速均匀软化。
Gap , good agriculture practice of medicinal plants and animals , is to guarantee and standardize the cultivation and production of the medicina material during the whole process ; and to product the chinese medicines ( raw materials ) with " verity " , " high quality " , " standard ! / . at ion " , and " controllable " 中药材生产质量管理规范( goodagriculturepracticeofmedicinalplantsandanimals ,简称gap ) ,是从保证中药材质量出发,控制影响药材质量的各种因子,规范药材各生产环节乃至全过程,以达到药材“真实、优质、稳定、可控”的目的。
Middle - east of taihang mountain , is one of the richest regions of plants system in hebei province , not only has the abundant natural seed plants but also has the rich artificial vegetations , medicina l plants , flower plants , has many particular precious local plants and sole inheritance plants 太行山中段东麓是河北省植被植物区系最为丰富的地区之一,不仅自然建群种植物丰富,而且人工植被、药用植物、花卉植物种类也较为多样,且具有多种孑遗植物、河北省特有的名贵植物。