Here was a formidable and measureless step . 这是一个重大但难以预测的步骤。
Above were measureless spaces of giddy air, and far, faraway a line of blue sky . 头上是令人头昏目眩的茫茫苍穹,只有在十分遥远的地方才有一线蓝天依稀可见。
What of the supreme measureless ordeal in which we were again irrevocably plunged ? 我们重又不可挽回地被投入最大的、无限的苦难之中,这究竟是怎样的光景呢?
Without this measureless and perpetual uncertainty, the drama of human life would be destroyed . 然而,假使没有这种无法估计的和无穷无尽的变幻,人生的戏剧就会变得索然寡味了。
For “ self ” is a sea boundless and measureless 因为自我乃是一个无边的海。
For self is a sea boundless and measureless 因为自我是难以度量的无边之海。
5 they treasure their leisure with measureless pleasure 他们以无限的快乐珍惜他们的闲暇时间。
When he finally opens his eyes again , there is no gloria , no town , nothing but the measureless dreadful desert (当他终于再次艰难的睁开了双眼,格洛亚,小城以及所有的一切都消失无踪了,剩下的只有眼前一望无际的可怖沙漠。
And this ten - thousand fold cosmos shivered & quivered & quaked , while a great , measureless radiance appeared in the cosmos , surpassing the effulgence of the devas 这十千个宇宙在抖动、颤动、震动,有一道大无量光出现在宇宙间,胜于天神的灿烂。
It was not without a certain wild pleasure i ran before the wind , delivering my trouble of mind to the measureless air - torrent thundering through space 我被风推着往前奔跑,把心头的烦恼付诸呼啸而过无穷无尽的气流,倒也不失为一种狂乱的喜悦。