Mary, in her matronly days, became as solid in figure as her mother . 玛丽在成为主妇后,跟她的母亲一样精明能干。
Don ' t wear this matronly dress . it is not suitable for you 别穿这件主妇似的衣服,不适合你。
People . her matronly fame was trodden under all men s feet 她那主妇的声名任凭所有的人践踏在脚下。
Mary , a matronly young blonde , was washing dishes in the little back room that served for kitchen and dining room 那小屋是厨房,兼作饭厅前屋是客厅,兼作寝室。
Some good matronly woman in a pork - pie hat to mother him . take him in tow , platter face and a large apron 得由一位戴卷边平顶毡帽的主妇般的善心女人来对他尽尽母道。
Morning light still waxing stronger - old patriarchs would rise up in great haste , each in his flannel gown , and matronly dames , without pausing to put off their night - gear 之后,曙光渐明,老汉们会匆忙爬起身,穿上法兰绒长袍,主妇们则顾不上脱下她们的睡衣。
I looked : i saw a woman attired like a well - dressed servant , matronly , yet still young ; very good - looking , with black hair and eyes , and lively complexion 我定睛一看,见是一个少妇,穿戴得像一个衣着讲究的仆人,一付已婚妇女模样,却不失年轻漂亮,头发和眸子乌黑,脸色红润。
Had grace been young and handsome , i should have been tempted to think that tenderer feelings than prudence or fear influenced mr . rochester in her behalf ; but , hard - favoured and matronly as she was , the idea could not be admitted 要是格雷斯年轻漂亮,我会不由得认为,那种比谨慎或忧虑更为温存的情感左右了罗切斯特先生,使他偏袒于她。可是她面貌丑陋,又是一付管家婆样子,这种想法也就站不住脚了。
I dine between twelve and one o clock ; the housekeeper , a matronly lady , taken as a fixture along with the house , could not , or would not , comprehend my request that i might be served at five , on mounting the stairs with this lazy intention , and stepping into the room , i saw a servant girl on her knees surrounded by brushes and coal - scuttles , and raising an infernal dust as she extinguished the flames with heaps of cinders 但是,吃过午饭注意我在十二点与一点钟之间吃午饭,而可以当作这所房子的附属物的管家婆,一位慈祥的太太却不能,或者并不愿理解我请求在五点钟开饭的用意,在我怀着这个懒惰的想法上了楼,迈进屋子的时候,看见一个女仆跪在地上,身边是扫帚和煤斗。她正在用一堆堆煤渣封火,搞起一片弥漫的灰尘。
Such an interview , perhaps , would have been more terrible than even to meet him as she now did , with the hot , mid - day sun burning down upon her face , and lighting up its shame ; with the scarlet token of infamy on her breast ; with the sin - born infant in her arms ; with a whole people , drawn forth as to a festival , staring at the features that should have been seen only in the quiet gleam of the fireside , in the happy shadow of a home , or beneath a matronly veil , at church 或许,在另外一种场合同他邂逅要益发可怕。如今呢,她那本来只该在壁炉旁恬静的柔光中b在家中幸福的暗处或在教堂的庄严气氛笼罩下才能看到的姿容,却在聚拢来的全镇人面前,被大家象看热闹似的死盯着:炎炎的午日烧灼着她的面孔,照亮了脸上的耻辱,她胸前佩着丑陋的鲜红标记,怀中抱着因罪孽而生下的婴儿。
befitting or characteristic of a fully mature woman; "her matronly figure"