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用"martinelli"造句"martinelli"怎么读"martinelli" in a sentence


  • 马蒂内利
  • 马丁内利


  • Boundary properties of bochner - martinelli type integral
  • Then , in the second part , the above properties of quasi - bochner - martinelli - type high order singular integrals with two singular points are discussed
    在第二部分讨论了带有两个奇点的拟bochner - martinelli型高阶奇异积分的上述性质。
  • Factors that affect two - phase flow pressure drop are discussed in details at first . polynomial is used to fit the relation between property of differential pressure signal and lockhart - martinelli parameter x . based on the relation , a dual - parameter identification scheme using only differential pressure signal is given
    讨论了影响两相流压降的因素,用多项式拟合的方法研究了不同流型下差压信号方差与lockhart ? martinelli参数x之间的函数关系。
  • On 18 july 2005 , a hot summer day , geberit shanghai had the great honor to welcome the swiss minister for trade , federal councillor mr . joseph deiss , his charming wife mrs . elisabeth deiss , the swiss ambassador to beijing mr . dante martinelli , mrs . martinelli , the swiss consul general of shanghai mr . hans roth and a high level delegation of important executives from swiss companies
    2005年7月18日,烈日炎炎,吉博力上海公司有幸迎来了瑞士联邦议员,贸易大臣joseph deiss先生和太太elisabeth deiss女士的来访,同行的还有瑞士驻北京外交大使dante martinelli夫妇和瑞士驻上海总领事hans roth先生,以及瑞士公司的高层代表团。
  • In the first part of this paper , resorting to the idea of hadamard principle value and induction , we discuss the inductive definition , existence of hadamard principle value , recursive formula , computation formula , differential formula on the sense of hadamard principle value for several kinds of quasi - bochner - martinelli - type high order singular integrals with one singular point
    本文借助于高阶奇异积分的hadamard主值的思想以及归纳法的思想,在第一部分讨论了几类含一个奇点的拟bochner - martinelli型高阶奇异积分的归纳定义, hadmard主值的存在性,递推公式,计算公式,以及在hadamard主值意义下的微分公式。
  • Lockhart & martinelli pressure drop correlation is studied , and at the same time , based on the experimental data collected , the accuracy of this formulation is examined . 6 . the evaluating method on intensifying heat transfer performance in microfin tube is provided , and by this method the performance of r290 and r404a is investigated
    研究了通用性较好的lockhart & martinelli摩擦压降关联式,同时将r290和r404a的管内沸腾换热压降实验数据与关联式计算值进行了比较,结果显示:此关联式对r404a的光管和内螺纹管沸腾换热摩擦压降有良好的预测精度,而且对于r290的光管沸腾换热摩擦压降有良好预测精度。
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