
marlboro man中文是什么意思

  • 万宝路人



  • 例句与用法
  • Forget the marlboro man - new research shows that smoking , often marketed as a symbol of virility , increases the risk of impotence
  • Forget the marlboro man - - new research shows that smoking , often marketed as a symbol of virility , increases the risk of impotence
  • And topping a list of " the 101 most influential people who never lived " in a book released on tuesday is the marlboro man - a macho american cowboy who emerged in the 1950s and helped boost sales of marlboro cigarettes
  • And topping a list of " the 101 most influential people who never lived " in a book released on tuesday is the marlboro man - a macho american cowboy who emerged in the 1950s and helped boost sales of marlboro cigarettes
  • And topping a list of " the 101 most influential people who never lived " in a book released on tuesday is the marlboro man - a macho american cowboy who emerged in the 1950s and helped boost sales of marlboro cigarettes
  • And topping a list of " the 101 most influential people who never lived " in a book released on october 17th is the marlboro man - a macho american cowboy who emerged in the 1950s and helped boost sales of marlboro cigarettes
  • Since then , kelly s resume has over flowed with flying colors from film , television and commercial credits . her film credits include , " scorpion king " , " fakin d funk " , " strange days " , " harley davidson and the marlboro man " the doors " , " surf ninjas " , " friday the 13th
    成长的烦恼是她首次在电视中亮相,在此之后他便片约不断,比较出名的是她在电视剧“过江” martial law中的形象,此片中她和洪金宝开始了首度合作。
  • " it is not just older men who suffer from impotence , younger men are also affected as well , " millett added in an interview . " for decades , cigarettes were marketed as symbol of virility , as in the macho marlboro man ads , " said deborah arnott , of the anti - smoking group ash action on smoking and health
    “不光是年纪大的男性会遭遇阳痿问题,年轻人也一样会受到影响” ,米莱特在英国烟草控制期刊上发表文章说, “多少年来,香烟在广告中一直都被当作男性阳刚之气的象征,就像万宝路香烟广告中的男子汉一样。
  • 百科解释
The Marlboro Man is a figure used in tobacco advertising campaign for Marlboro cigarettes. In the United States, where the campaign originated, it was used from 1954 to 1999.
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