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用"marburgvirus"造句"marburgvirus"怎么读"marburgvirus" in a sentence


  • 马尔堡病毒属


The genus Marburgvirus is the taxonomic home of one species whose members are two related viruses that form filamentous virions, Marburg virus (MARV) and Ravn virus (RAVV). Both viruses cause severe disease in humans and nonhuman primates in the form of viral hemorrhagic fevers and both are Select Agents, World Health Organization Risk Group 4 Pathogens (requiring Biosafety Level 4-equivalent containment), National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Category A Priority Pathogens, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Category A Bioterrorism Agents, and are listed as a Biological Agents for Export Control by the Australia Group.
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