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用"maracas"造句"maracas"怎么读"maracas" in a sentence


  • 马拉卡斯
  • 气囊
  • 砂槌
  • 沙槌
  • 响葫芦/沙球/沙铃


  • Penny : oh , come on , ladies . god wouldn ' t have given you maracas if he didn ' t want you to shake ' em
  • Our products cover several tens of varieties such as xylophone series , glockenspiel series , drum series ( bongo drum , conga drum , hall drum , tambourim drum , waist drum , floor tom drum , wave drum , tambourine , frame drum , rattle drum ) , maraca , egg shaker , headless tambourine , sand block , shaker , castanet , finger castanet , block series , wooden agogo , clave , triangle , hand bell , sleigh bells , wooden fish , guiro , cabasa , finger cymbal and so on ; to improve craftwork level , our products design aims the requirements from clients and the innovation in varieties ; to satisfy the clients ' requirements on various grades and various batch scales , our manufacture introduces advanced manufacturing process to control the procedure more rationally and guard the products quality more strictly ; to build a popular brand in market , we perseveres in a long term effort on service including that after sale and digs more latent clients ' requirements
    本厂的产品涵盖打击琴类(木琴、钟琴、儿童彩琴) 、鼓类(邦戈鼓、康加鼓、堂鼓、桑巴鼓、腰鼓、地鼓、印地安嗵嗵鼓、海鼓、铃鼓、手鼓、波浪鼓) 、砂球、砂蛋、铃圈、砂板、砂筒、响板、舞板、梆子、响筒、响棒、三角钟、碰钟、响铃、木鱼、鱼蛙、卡巴萨、指镲等数十个品种;本厂的产品设计立足于满足客户需求,不断创新,追求工艺品质;产品生产严把质量关,采取柔性制造工艺,合理控制生产流程,可以满足客户不同档次规格和不同批量规模的产品需求;本厂注重产品的销售及售后跟踪服务,深度挖掘客户潜在需求,力争树立优质、完整的市场品牌形象。
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