He had talked rapidly, almost like a drunken man, as his reeling brain battled with the rising shock of the malarial stroke . 他连珠炮似地说着,几乎象喝醉了酒一样,这时,他朦朦胧胧的大脑正在和步步逼近的疟疾搏斗呢。
Doctor would prescribe a course of anti - malarial drugs 治理方法医生会处方一个抗疟疾药物疗程。
Standing water like this gives malarial mosquitoes the perfect place to breed 这种死水会孳生大量的疟蚊。
She was suffering from malarial fever , and seemed dying by inches 她当时正发着一种寒热病,似乎正在慢慢地死去。
A single copy of a sickle cell gene helps the carrier survive malarial infection 带有一个镰状细胞基因的人较能抵御疟疾感染。
Please remember that certain medications , such as some types of malarial prophylaxes and vaccinations , cannot be used in pregnancy 某些药物并不宜于怀孕期间使用,如指定疟疾疫苗和其他防预注射。
A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells 潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体内组织中
So has the use of vitamin a to strengthen children ' s immune systems , and chemically treated bed nets to prevents malarial 而且,应用维生素a来加强孩子的免疫系统,用化学的方法来处理基础网状物以预防疟疾。
Artemisinin , an active compound extracted from artemisia annua , l . together with its derivatives are widely used as anti - malarial drugs 摘要青蒿素是从植物黄花蒿中提取的抗疟疾的活性成份,目前在临床上广泛用于治疗疟疾。
If you are planning to travel to such countries , you should seek your doctor s advice on whether you need to take anti - malarial medication 前往这些地区旅行前,应请教医生是否需要服食预防疟疾的药物。如需服药,便要依指示服用整个疗程。