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用"magee"造句"magee"怎么读"magee" in a sentence


  • 马吉
  • 马杰
  • 麦基


  • Mummed in names : a . e . , eon : magee , john eglinton
    隐姓埋名: ae ,永恒。马吉是约翰埃格林顿217 。
  • Magee that had the chinless mouth
  • Me , magee and mulligan
  • Visits him here on quarter days . mr magee , sir , there s a gentleman to see you
  • Dr . bill magee
  • In the first pages june quotes the poetry of john gillespie magee , jr . , who at 19 years of age , in the canadian air force , lost his life in world war ii
  • That may be too , stephen said . there is a saying of goethe s which mr magee likes to quote . beware of what you wish for in youth because you will get it in middle life
    “这也可能吧, ”斯蒂芬说, “马吉喜欢引用歌德的一句话: “当心你年轻时所抱的愿望,因为到了中年就会变为现实。
  • Give me my wordsworth . enter magee mor matthew , a rugged rough rugheaded kern , in strossers with a buttoned codpiece , his nether stocks bemired with clauber of ten forests , a wand of wilding in his hand
    这是个满脸皱纹粗鲁蓬头乱发的庄稼汉403 ,穿着胯间有个前兜的紧身短裤, 404布袜子405上沾了十座树林的泥污, 406手里拿着野生苹果木杖。
  • When rutlandbaconsouthamptonshakespeare or another poet of the same name in the comedy of errors wrote hamlet he was not the father of his own son merely but , being no more a son , he was and felt himself the father of all his race , the father of his own grandfather , the father of his unborn grandson who , by the same token , never was born for nature , as mr magee understands her , abhors perfection
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