General introduction to macular diseases maculopathy in high myopia 深近视引起的黄斑病变
Maculopathy in high myopia 深近视引起的黄斑病变
Maculopathy in high myopia 深近视引起的黄斑病变
Retinal detachment , myopic maculopathy , glaucoma , and cataract are four major complications can cause blindness 网膜剥离、高度近视性黄斑部病变、青光眼、白内障是四大重要并发症可导致失明。
Refractive error more than - 15 . od , , axial length over 29 . 0mm , and age more than 45 years old are risk factors for the development of early myopic maculopathy 近视度数超过- 15 . 0d ,眼轴长超过29 . 0毫米,且年龄超过45岁以上是产生黄斑部病变的危险因子。
It is very useful for detecting signs of macular diseases such as the wet form of aged - related macular degeneration and maculopathy from high degree of myopia 600 degrees 方格有助及早发现黄斑病变徵兆,包括湿性老年黄斑退化及因深近视六百度而引起的黄斑区出血或积水等。
For details , please refer to the full article arch ophthalmol 1999 ; 117 : 1329 - 45 published in " archives of ophthalmology " . the result of a 12 - month study in 120 high myopia maculopathy patients also showed treatment benefits 详情可参阅刊登在学术期刊archives of ophthalmology的报告全文1999年第117期1329页至1345页。
A maculopathy is any pathological condition of the macula, an area at the centre of the retina that is associated with highly sensitive, accurate vision.Kanski JJ.