Quantum theory underlies much of macroscopic physics . 量子理论构成大部分宏观物理学的基础。
The theory of thermodynamics links the macroscopic and submicroscopic domains . 热力学把宏观世界同亚微观世界联系起来。
At the macroscopic level, an ideal gas is defined by a process of extrapolation . 从宏观角度看,理想气体的定义是由推论而得来的。
Macroscopic deviations from isotropy occur due to bedding, schistosity and also sometimes fracturing . 与各向同性相差很大的情况往往产生于层理,片理,某些时候则由于断裂所造成。
Particles and waves are macroscopic concepts which gradually lose their relevance as we approach the submicroscopic domain . 粒子和波都是宏观概念,当我们接近亚微观领域时,它们就逐渐变得不那么贴切了。
In what seemed a logical extension, we have tried, a bit naively, to use macroscopic imagery to describe submicroscopic entities . 似乎是作为这种做法的一种逻辑推广,我们有点天真地试图用宏观形象来描述亚微观体。
We consider the macroscopic thermal properties of the gas throughout the interstellas region ionized by an exciting star or group of stars . 我们将考察被一颗或一群激发星电离的星际区域中各种气体的宏观热力学性质。
A commentary of the neo - classicism macroscopic economics 新古典宏观经济学述评
Macroscopic features of longman dictionary of contemporary english 的宏观结构特征
Macroscopic analysis of inland water transport developing 内河运输发展之研究