
发音:   用"非何杰金氏淋巴瘤"造句
non-hodgkin's lymphoma
  • :    mistake; wrong; er ...
  • :    outstanding person ...
  • :    metals
  • :    family name; surna ...
  • 淋巴:    lymph
  • :    tumour
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  1. Hereby we present an oral non - hodgkin ’ s lymphoma with clinical appearance of gingival hyperplasia
  2. Primary splenic lymphoma is a relatively rare cause of splenomegaly ; its reported incidence being less than 1 % of non - hodgkin lymphoma in most reported series
    摘要原发性脾?淋巴瘤是造成脾?肿大的罕见原因之一,文献上报告仅占非何杰金氏淋巴瘤比率不到1 % 。
  3. The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer
  4. The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer
  5. The study of more than a million women also found that being overweight significantly increased the risk of kidney cancer , leukaemia , multiple myeloma , pancreatic cancer , non - hodgkin ' s lymphoma , ovarian cancer and , in some age - groups , breast and bowel cancer


  1. "非和谐振动"英文
  2. "非何杰"英文
  3. "非何杰金"英文
  4. "非何杰金淋巴瘤"英文
  5. "非何杰金氏病"英文
  6. "非合成的"英文
  7. "非合成培养基"英文
  8. "非合法婚生子女"英文
  9. "非合格退休计划"英文
  10. "非合格银行汇票"英文


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