
发音:   用"铸铁辊"造句
cast iron roll
casting ironroll
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  1. Methods for testing of chilled cast iron roll
  2. The effect of compound casting technology and compound modification on the properties of high speed steel roll collar was studied . the results showed that compound high speed steel roll collar with high and even hardness and good bond between outer and inner layers could be gained when the modified colbalt free high speed steel in outer layer and nodular iron inner layer in connection with appropriate rotational speed of centrifugal machine , pertinent pouring interval between two kinds of the melt and moderate pouring temperature as well as surface induction heat treatment were chosen . it is indicated in industrial use that the service life of compound roll collar is higher by 5 times than that of high chromium cast iron collar


  1. "铸铁管件"英文
  2. "铸铁管接头"英文
  3. "铸铁管配件"英文
  4. "铸铁罐"英文
  5. "铸铁轨道继电器箱"英文
  6. "铸铁滚柱式芯撑"英文
  7. "铸铁锅"英文
  8. "铸铁锅炉"英文
  9. "铸铁焊粉"英文
  10. "铸铁焊接"英文


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