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  1. The methods which these organizations and individuals use are mainly supplemental approach and oo - extended formal language approach
  2. Lyapunov exponent depict the discrete extent of chaotic dynamic system . there propose an estimation of one step prediction error based on lyapunov exponent , the estimation express the reliability of prediction numerically . at the same time , in order to improve the predictive precision it drew out an error complement methods creatively to correct one step prediction
  3. Because the formal language in supplemental approach do n ' t have the object - oriented feature , using supplemental approach makes it difficult to integrate with the present practice . while the way of oo - extended formal language approach ca n ' t directly formalize the semantics of uml model , which affects the readers " understanding of uml model rbrmalization
  4. After analyzing some academic opinions , the author comes up with his criteria to find lapping of legal provisions . then the author deplores the scope of it by way of listing . the author classifies the relationships as special relationships , subsidy relationships and absorption relationships
  5. Under special relationships of lapping of legal provisions , the rule that special law is superior to common law shall be strictly followed . only under special circumstances shall the harsher or less harsh provision apply ; as to subsidy relationships , primary law shall be applied rather than additional law ; as to absorption relationships , the law as a whole is superior to a part of the law . the author does n ' t support the principle that the harsher law is superior to the less harsh law


  1. "补充订货"英文
  2. "补充读物"英文
  3. "补充多重向量"英文
  4. "补充惰性气体"英文
  5. "补充发酵"英文
  6. "补充法令"英文
  7. "补充反馈方式"英文
  8. "补充反应"英文
  9. "补充反应器"英文
  10. "补充方案"英文


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