
发音:   用"纵向联系"造句
vertical linkage
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  1. During longitudinal analysis , the calculating method of column effective length has been given out , according to different longitudinal connecti ng beam
  2. As far as this study is concerned , the education level of the culturists and the vertical connection have the cause - and - effect relationship with the food safety activities of the culturists
    4 、在本文研究范围内,养殖户的学历和参与产业内纵向联系与否对其质量安全行为有因果关系。
  3. However , empirical analysis find that the effect culturist organization generate on the food safety activities of the culturists and vertical connections are not significant . 4
    然而实证分析发现养殖户组织? ?养殖协会对于养殖户的质量安全行为尚未产生显著影响,对于产业内纵向联系的中介作用也尚未显著发挥。
  4. Vertical integration - in the media industry , the simultaneous ownership or control of the distribution outlets ( dbs , cable operations ) , production ( studios ) and delivery outlets ( tv channels , movie theaters and video rental stores ) for video programming or any two of the above
  5. The medical record template and structured medical record document adopt xml as data systematic form . it can make a template or a structured medical record of one or several database to set to a xml document . thus , it makes the transverse complex relation in data change to the sole longitudinal relation


  1. "纵向力系数"英文
  2. "纵向联杆"英文
  3. "纵向联合广告"英文
  4. "纵向联合经营"英文
  5. "纵向联结杆"英文
  6. "纵向联系梁"英文
  7. "纵向连接"英文
  8. "纵向连接系统"英文
  9. "纵向连接装置"英文
  10. "纵向连通"英文


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