
发音:   用"燃料用量"造句
firing rate
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  1. Both fuel usage is reduced and cash flow is improved with the use of heat recovery equipment .
  2. The project helped cut the use of fossil fuel in town gas production and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases , thus improving air quality
  3. Abstract : in this paper , the influences of different content of coke and moisture of mix on sintering indexes was researched by the sintering experiment with single sort of iron ore from hamersley and newman of australia
  4. Based on the current charge used by sinter plant of shuicheng iron and steel group co . limited , the experiments were processed in a pilot scale sinter pot with several iron ores and various amount lime as well as solid fuel by the orthogonal testing method
  5. It is showed that there are intricate relations between the fuel amount and both the yield and the tumble strength of agglomerate , but no direct effect on the main economy and technology indexes of sintering production by the lime amount used in sintering


  1. "燃料溢出"英文
  2. "燃料因数"英文
  3. "燃料因子"英文
  4. "燃料应急关断开关"英文
  5. "燃料应急泄放试验"英文
  6. "燃料用量测定仪"英文
  7. "燃料铀"英文
  8. "燃料油"英文
  9. "燃料油安定剂"英文
  10. "燃料油泵"英文


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