
发音:   用"浓密的睫毛"造句
thick eyelashes
  • 浓密:    dense; thick
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 睫毛:    eyelash; lash
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  1. One more practiced in the arts of great cities would have hid her blushes beneath a veil , or , at least , have cast down her thickly fringed lashes , so as to have concealed the liquid lustre of her animated eyes ; but , on the contrary , the delighted girl looked around her with a smile that seemed to say : " if you are my friends , rejoice with me , for i am very happy .
    假如她是一个城里姑娘,她一定会把她的喜悦掩饰起来,或至少垂下她那浓密的睫毛,以掩饰她那一对水汪汪的热情的眼睛,但美塞苔丝却是一个劲地微笑着左右顾盼,好象在说: “假如你们是我的朋友,那么就和我一起欢乐吧,因为我实在是太幸福了。 ”
  2. Apparently she thought it only proper to show an interest in the general conversation and to smile . but against her own will , her eyes turned under their thick , long lashes to her cousin , who was going away into the army , with such girlish , passionate adoration , that her smile could not for one moment impose upon any one , and it was clear that the kitten had only perched there to skip off more energetically than ever and to play with her cousin as soon as they could , like boris and natasha , get out of the drawing - room
    显然她认为面露微笑去谛听众人谈话是一种礼貌的态度,但是,她那对洋溢着少女热情崇拜的眼睛,从那长长的浓密的睫毛下面,情不自禁地望着行将入伍的consin ,她那笑意一点也不能欺骗任何人,显而易见,这只小猫蹲下来,只是想要更有力地跳起来,如同鲍里斯和娜塔莎一样从客厅里窜出去,和她的表兄一块儿嬉戏。
  3. Upon an oval of indescribable loveliness , place two dark eyes beneath brows so cleanly arched that they might have been painted on ; veil those eyes with lashes so long that , when lowered , they cast shadows over the pink flush of the cheeks ; sketch a delicate , straight , spirited nose and nostrils slightly flared in a passionate aspiration towards sensuality ; draw a regular mouth with lips parting gracefully over teeth as white as milk ; tint the skin with the bloom of peaches which no hand has touched ? and you will have a comprehensive picture of her entrancing face . her jet - black hair , naturally or artfully waved , was parted over her forehead in two thick coils which vanished behind her head , just exposing the lobes of her ears from which hung two diamonds each worth four or five thousand francs


  1. "浓密常绿阔叶灌丛(美国加利福尼亚和墨西哥)"英文
  2. "浓密常绿阔叶灌木丛"英文
  3. "浓密的"英文
  4. "浓密的粗眉"英文
  5. "浓密的颊"英文
  6. "浓密的眉毛"英文
  7. "浓密的软毛"英文
  8. "浓密的森林"英文
  9. "浓密的树叶覆盖着群山"英文
  10. "浓密的头发"英文


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