
[ zhūlián ]发音:   "株连"的汉语解释   用"株连"造句
involve (others) in a criminal case; implicate 短语和例子
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  1. A law exists to execute such a vile man with his family
  2. For many persons of every age , every rank , and also of both * * * es are and will be endangered
  3. According to the qin - time law , if a father committed a crime against the inferior members of his family such as his sons and daughters or his slaves , which was regarded as non - gongshigao or jiazui , the inferior members including the victims were forbidden to accuse the father ; but if a father committed a crime against a person who was not a inferior member of the family or even was a person beyond the member of the family , which was regarded as gongshigao , under an obligation , the inferior members may report the crime and even may seize and send their guilty father to the authorities to avoid being involved in the case
    摘要在秦律中,当父家长的侵害对像是家庭中的卑幼时,这种行为属于“家罪”或“非公室告” ,禁止卑幼控告,但不禁止家庭成员以外的人控告;当父家长的侵害对象超出家庭卑幼的范围时,这种行为就属于“公室告” ,家庭卑幼也有义务和责任举报,甚至可以将其捉拿归案以免自己受到株连


  1. "株间地表"英文
  2. "株间施药"英文
  3. "株巨型艾美耳球虫"英文
  4. "株距"英文
  5. "株距与出苗时间的影响"英文
  6. "株连被告"英文
  7. "株连九族"英文
  8. "株连全家"英文
  9. "株连无辜"英文
  10. "株良"英文


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