
发音:   用"未定案"造句
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  1. The board will discuss the proposed draft maps of marine parks at southwest lantau and soko islands
  2. Friday , july 13 , 2001 a draft map of the proposed lantau north ( extension ) country park is available for public inspection for 60 days from today ( july 13 )
  3. At the direction of the chief executive in council , the authority shall prepare draft maps showing the proposed marine parks . when the draft maps are prepared , the authority will notify in the gazette the availability of the draft maps for public inspection
  4. The chief executive in council has directed the country and marine parks authority , that is the director of agriculture , fisheries and conservation , to prepare draft maps of the proposed southwest lantau marine park and soko islands marine park
  5. " any person aggrieved by the draft map may send a written statement of his objection to the country and marine parks authority within 60 days from the date of gazetting . " the objector should set out in the statement the nature of and reasons for the objection , and if the objection would be removed by an alteration to the draft map , any alteration proposed , " he added


  1. "未迭节片"英文
  2. "未叠加道"英文
  3. "未钉铁蹄的"英文
  4. "未定"英文
  5. "未定,貌似留作语音拨号用的"英文
  6. "未定比特率"英文
  7. "未定边界"英文
  8. "未定变更"英文
  9. "未定材料的付款"英文
  10. "未定常数"英文


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