
发音:   用"望弥撒"造句
to hear mass
  • :    look over; gaze in ...
  • 弥撒:    Mass; mass
  • 弥撒:    (天主教仪式之一, 拉丁文 miss ...
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  1. On christmas eve , some people go to mass , and then go caroling from house to house to bring the blessings to people
  2. The latest phenomenon is a " philippine town " in the area around chihsien 3rd road and chienkuo 4th road . filipino guest workers hang out here on weekends and go to mass
  3. Some of my disciples are pastors . in church , they preach , wear their priestly vestments or conduct mass . but in the zen meditation hall , they would meditate on the zen , and they have even achieved advanced levels of meditation
  4. Gilbert in his old age told some cavaliers he got a pass for nowt from maister gatherer one time mass he did and he seen his brud maister wull the playwriter up in lunnon in a wrastling play wud a man on s back
  5. To stephen : the problem of the sacerdotal integrity of jesus circumcised 1st january , holiday of obligation to hear mass and abstain from unnecessary servile work and the problem as to whether the divine prepuce , the carnal bridal ring of the holy roman catholic apostolic church , conserved in calcata , were deserving of simple hyperduly or of the fourth degree of latria accorded to the abscission of such divine excrescences as hair and toenails
    斯蒂芬:受割礼的耶稣作为圣职者是否毫无缺陷的问题一月一日乃是圣日,应该望弥撒,不得从事不必要的世俗劳动186 。还有如何对待保存在卡尔卡塔的神圣罗马天主教使徒教会的肉体结婚戒指神圣的包皮问题。


  1. "望楼突出的木材"英文
  2. "望庐山瀑布"英文
  3. "望络脉"英文
  4. "望梅止渴"英文
  5. "望门投止"英文
  6. "望奶集列表"英文
  7. "望你事事称心"英文
  8. "望你在此"英文
  9. "望您海量包涵"英文
  10. "望排出物"英文


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