
发音:   用"抵押银行"造句
mortgage bank, building society
mortgage bonds
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  1. Mister yunus says he started grameen because he wanted to see if banking could be done without collateral
  2. In this paper , author has a explore about the issuance and transaction of securities on the test stage
  3. Britain ' s banking industry , which has just reported dreadful results , will not welcome a state - owned mortgage lender galumphing around , luring depositors into government - backed deposit accounts ( gilts in all but name , yet offering fatter rates ) and using that advantage when it lends
  4. In britain the collapse of northern rock was also largely the result of inadequate national supervision , an outdated system of deposit insurance and the lack of teamwork between britain ' s financial super - regulator , the financial services authority , the bank of england and the treasury
  5. The thesis explains the government ' s leading function in developing the mortgage bank bonds . the thesis points out that the government should set up financial laws and perfect the persona l credit , the guarantee and insurance market , train actively the non - personal investor and standardize the measures of the real - estate evaluating industry . the aim of the article is to provide the theoretical basis and operational guide for china ' s housing industry development using mortgage bank bonds


  1. "抵押协议"英文
  2. "抵押信贷"英文
  3. "抵押信贷市场"英文
  4. "抵押信托"英文
  5. "抵押信托债券"英文
  6. "抵押银行债券"英文
  7. "抵押优先清偿"英文
  8. "抵押优先权"英文
  9. "抵押早已期满"英文
  10. "抵押债卷"英文


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