
[ huáichūn ]发音:   "怀春"的汉语解释   用"怀春"造句
begin to think of love, or become sexually awakened (usually said of young girls); be in love
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  1. There is a girl in love .
  2. A teenager called li li , always got the same dream
  3. " if i had to choose between a one - night - stand or time with these people ? i choose them . . .
    "如果我必须在动物怀春与同这群人在一起之间做选择的话,我会选择他们. . .
  4. The two teachers do not share enough screening time to convince the audience of their intimate relationship as well . however , an issue that is worth discussing about this affair is that it continues the theme of korean cinema in 2002 - a strong female vs a weak male
    这段恋情感觉并不写实,而且两个成年人的锋头被四个怀春少年淹盖,占据的篇幅太少,更觉失色。但值得一提的是,乘接近两年韩片女强男弱的趋势,女性在此片继续发威, ms
  5. The two teachers do not share enough screening time to convince the audience of their intimate relationship as well . however , an issue that is worth discussing about this affair is that it continues the theme of korean cinema in 2002 - a strong female vs a weak male
    这段恋情感觉并不写实,而且两个成年人的锋头被四个怀春少年淹盖,占据的篇幅太少,更觉失色。但值得一提的是,乘接近两年韩片女强男弱的趋势,女性在此片继续发威, ms


  1. "怀布尔-帕拉德体内皮细胞特有的一种小体"英文
  2. "怀布罗"英文
  3. "怀才不露"英文
  4. "怀才不遇"英文
  5. "怀彻克罗斯"英文
  6. "怀春飞燕"英文
  7. "怀茨堡"英文
  8. "怀茨伯勒"英文
  9. "怀茨布鲁克"英文
  10. "怀茨城"英文


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