
[ qièmò, qièmo ]发音:   "切末"的汉语解释   用"切末"造句
simple stage property
  • :    correspond to; be ...
  • :    tip; terminal; end
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  1. Rinse the potherb mustard , squeeze out the water , chop finely
  2. De - vein the chicken fillets , finely mince with the fat pork , add soup to make a chicken paste . slice the koumo mushrooms in two , scald and drain . mince the fragrant mushrooms , stir with eggwhite
  3. Dice the mushrooms and carrots . chop finely the thick broad - beans , and still more finely the scallion and ginger . drop the mushrooms , bamboo shoots , diced carrots , and green soybeans into boiling water and cook till done , remove
  4. De - vein and mince the chicken fillets ; to 1 5 add egg yolk and seasoning , stir to a yellow paste , steam for 10 minuted , mince , add egg white and stir well . to the rest of the chicken mince , stir in egg white , soup , and seasoning
    鸭脯板鸭脯切丝鸡里脊去筋制茸,取1 5加蛋黄调料搅拌成黄料子,蒸10分钟取出,切末加蛋清调均匀其余加蛋清三套汤和调料搅拌成鸡料。
  5. Method : 1 . chop the fillets into slices of 5cm . long3com . wide3cm . thick chop the scallops and sea cucumbers into mince then piace thenminto a bowl daa shaoxing wine . fine salt , gourmet them , mix them into stuffings . put on the slices of fillets and roll up
    制作方法: 1 、将猪外里脊肉片成长约五公分,宽约三公分,厚约三毫米的大片,海参干贝切末,虾仁剁成细泥,然后放在碗内,加南酒、盐、味精,搅匀成馅,以条状抹在肉片上,卷起即成三鲜肉卷。


  1. "切膜扁丝"英文
  2. "切膜刀"英文
  3. "切膜刀片"英文
  4. "切膜技术"英文
  5. "切膜纤维"英文
  6. "切莫"英文
  7. "切莫班门弄虎"英文
  8. "切莫从事更深的学习"英文
  9. "切莫达诺夫"英文
  10. "切莫等闲错过"英文


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