
[ jūnwěi ]发音:   "军委"的汉语解释   用"军委"造句
1.(中央军委) the central military commission
2.(中共中央军事委员会) the military commission of the central committee of the communist party of china
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  1. During the day of execution , he got a chance to escape and leave for hong kong
    当贺成功研究出“博击新人类” ,军委司令进行灭? .
  2. " it is something that a lot of people doubted would ever happen
    布什说: “对于穆沙拉夫能否辞去军委主席一事,很多人都持怀疑态度。
  3. I shall also submit to the national people ' s congress my request to resign the post of chairman of the state military commission
  4. The world scout committee strongly emphasizes the importance of the unity of the movement and warns against its fragmentation at any level other than for the most compelling reasons
  5. In the drawing - room , which had been made the commander - in - chiefs study , were gathered together : kutuzov himself , weierother , and the members of the council of war


  1. "军团司令官"英文
  2. "军团要塞"英文
  3. "军团指挥官"英文
  4. "军团种在角落里的玉米遭到顽固公司的蔑视"英文
  5. "军威"英文
  6. "军委办公厅"英文
  7. "军委总政治部"英文
  8. "军闻社"英文
  9. "军吾"英文
  10. "军吾郎"英文


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