
[ yúyù ]发音:   "余裕"的汉语解释   用"余裕"造句
enough and to spare; ample 短语和例子
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  1. Asmarc , automatic stability margin controller
  2. Semi - positional " mobile defence " is a still more essential part of mobile warfare undertaken for the purpose of resisting the enemy at every step , thereby depleting his forces and gaining extra time
    为着节节抵抗以求消耗敌人和争取余裕时间之目的,而采取半阵地性的所谓“运动性的防御” ,更是属于运动战的必要部分。
  3. The shipyard shall indemnify the buyer from and against any patent liability or claim for infringement of any patent or commercial or intellectual property right of any kind or nature ( including costs and expenses ) made or used in the performance of this contract and also including costs and expenses of litigation if any , including all claims of third parties arising by reason of the production of , circulation or use of plans and of any document or information supplied to the shipyard or its subcontractors , in connection with the construction and the building of the vessel or the construction or installation of its machinery or equipment , provided that the buyer shall first have given the shipyard immediate notice of any claims for infringement and also have given the shipyard the opportunity to defend and take over the conduct of any claim subject to the shipyard providing an indemnity to the buyer for the costs of defending such a claim
    在执行本合约时,所用的任何专利、商业财产权、智慧财产权,若因此衍生任何专利责任或侵权索赔,卖方(造船厂)须使买方无事,并赔偿买方一切相关费用,以及任何诉讼费用(若有支付) ;而且,兴建本船舶或制造、安装本船的机器或设备时,因制作、流通、及使用蓝图、文件、或数据,供卖方或承包商利用,因而造成第三方的索赔行为,卖方仍须如上述负起全责;唯一旦遇到任何侵权索赔情况,买方须立即告知卖方,并给予卖方余裕接手辩护该案,同时依约赔偿买方处理此案之费用。


  1. "余佑"英文
  2. "余佑俐"英文
  3. "余鱼渔"英文
  4. "余语"英文
  5. "余玉眉"英文
  6. "余裕变数"英文
  7. "余裕的时间"英文
  8. "余裕度"英文
  9. "余裕厚度"英文
  10. "余裕积温"英文


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