
发音:   "中程导弹"的汉语解释   用"中程导弹"造句
intermediate-range missile; medium-range missile
medium-range missile
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  1. They are classified as intercontinental , long - range , medium - range and short - range missiles
  2. On january 11 , china successfully destroyed one of its orbiting weather satellites using ground - based medium - range ballistic missiles
  3. There was “ convincing evidence ” for leaving the agreement because “ many countries are developing and perfecting medium range rockets ” , he said
    他表示, “许多国家正在研制并完善各种中程导弹” ,所以俄罗斯有“令人信服的理由”退出该条约。
  4. Now it has succeeded in hitting a weather satellite more than 800km ( 500 miles ) above earth with a ballistic [ 1 ] missile fired from the ground
    现如今中国已经可以从地面发射一枚中程导弹,成功地击中距离地球800多公里( 500多英里)的气象卫星了。
  5. Additional sites not yet completed appear to be designed for intermediate range ballistic missiles ' capable of traveling more than twice as far ' and thus capable of striking most of the major cities in the western hemisphere , ranging as far north as hudson bay , canada , and as far south as lima , peru


  1. "中程弹道导弹"英文
  2. "中程弹道导弹发射阵地"英文
  3. "中程弹道飞弹"英文
  4. "中程弹道火箭"英文
  5. "中程弹道学"英文
  6. "中程导航系统"英文
  7. "中程的"英文
  8. "中程地对空系统"英文
  9. "中程地空导弹"英文
  10. "中程调度"英文


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