
[ træmp ]发音:   用"tramp"造句
踩,践踏 (on; upon); 用沉重的脚步走;慢慢走,徒步旅行〔尤指长途〕;漂泊,流浪;(货船)不定期航行。vt.
步行,徒步走;踩洗(衣服等);使(货船)不定期航行。 tramp down 踏坏,踩碎。 tramp under one's foot [feet] 践踏;蹂躏。n.
艰苦的长途徒步旅行;徒步旅行者;流动工匠;流浪者;妓女,淫妇;候鸟;(军队行进等的)脚步声;(保护鞋底的)底铁;(在冰上防滑的)鞋底钉;不定期货船;【机械工程】吹火器。 an+更多解释...
  • on the tramp:    在流浪, 在跑码头
  • active tramp:    不定期参加营运的船舶; 参加营运的不 ...
  • axle tramp:    车桥垂直跳振; 车轴-悬架系统共振; ...
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  1. Magda tramped about with a magician .
  2. He is a tramp and used to living rough .
  3. Tramps are from the lowest stratum of society .
  4. Tow tramps : except us , conductor .
  5. The rhineland children tramped into italy .


  1. a long walk usually for exercise or pleasure; "she enjoys a hike in her spare time"
    同义词:hike, hiking
  2. a commercial steamer for hire; one having no regular schedule
    同义词:tramp steamer
  3. a heavy footfall; "the tramp of military boots"
  4. a foot traveler; someone who goes on an extended walk (for pleasure)
    同义词:hiker, tramper
  5. a person who engages freely in promiscuous sex
  6. a disreputable vagrant; "a homeless tramp"; "he tried to help the really down-and-out bums"
    同义词:hobo, bum
  1. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment; "The gypsies roamed the woods"; "roving vagabonds"; "the wandering Jew"; "The cattle roam across the prairie"; "the laborers drift from one town to the next"; "They rolled from town to town"
    同义词:roll, wander, swan, stray, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond
  2. cross on foot; "We had to tramp the creeks"
  3. travel on foot, especially on a walking expedition; "We went tramping about the state of Colorado"
  4. walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud; "Mules plodded in a circle around a grindstone"
    同义词:slog, footslog, plod, trudge, pad


A tramp is a long-term homeless person who travels from place to place as a vagrant, traditionally walking all year round. The term "tramp" became a common way to refer to such people in 19th century America.


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  6. tramp bill of lading 什么意思
  7. tramp boat (or tramper) 什么意思
  8. tramp cargo 什么意思
  9. tramp discharge 什么意思
  10. tramp down 什么意思


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