1. 完钱粮 pay farm tax
  2. great
  3. 宏业 a great achievement
  4. 宏亮 loud and clear
  5. 宏亮度 sonority
  6. 宏伟 magnificent
  7. 宏伟事业 magnificent cause
  8. 宏伟前景 grand prospects
  9. 宏伟壮观的宫殿 the splendour of a palace
  10. 宏伟的人民大会堂 the magnificent Great Hall o...
  11. 宏伟的建筑 a magnificent structure
  12. 宏伟的计划 a magnificent project
  13. 宏伟目标 ambitious goal
  14. 宏儒硕学 profound literati and great ...
  15. 宏图 great plan
  16. 宏壮 great and solid
  17. 宏大 grand
  18. 宏富 rich
  19. 宏建功 Hong Jiangong
  20. 宏愿 great aspirations
  21. 宏才大略 be astute in devising great ...
  22. 宏才硕学 profound learning and great ...
  23. 宏旨 main theme
  24. 宏观 macrography
  25. 宏观世界 macro world
  26. 宏观决策 overall policy decision
  27. 宏观分析 macro-analysis
  28. 宏观控制 overall control
  29. 宏观效应 macroeffect
  30. 宏观断裂力学 macro fracture mechanics
  31. 宏观概念 macroscopic concept
  32. 宏观特征 gross feature
  33. 宏观管理 macro-control
  34. 宏观经济 macro-economy
  35. 宏观经济学 macro-economics
  36. 宏观经济政策 macro-economic policy
  37. 宏观经济效益 macro-economic rersults
  38. 宏观经济调节 macro-economic control
  39. 宏观观察 macroscopic observation
  40. 宏观语言学 macrolinguistics
  41. 宏观调节 macro-regulation
  42. 宏观预测 macro-forecast
  43. 宏论 informed opinion
  44. 宏谟 a grand plan
  45. 宏辨 a well-supported argument
  46. quiet
  47. 宓戈 Mi Ge
  48. delay
  49. 宕乾 Dang Qian
  50. ancestor

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