1. 儿齿 new teeth after the falling ...
  2. rising to a height
  3. 兀傲 supercilious
  4. 兀坐 sit upright
  5. 兀子重 Wu Zizhong
  6. 兀然不动 immovable and steadfast
  7. 兀秃 half-boiled
  8. 兀立 stand upright
  9. 兀自 still
  10. 兀自一人 a person alone
  11. 兀自呆想 be mooning by oneself
  12. 兀鹫 condor
  13. 兀鹰 buzzard
  14. permit
  15. 允从 comply
  16. 允当 proper
  17. 允执厥中 keep to the center
  18. 允文允武 be good both in civil and in...
  19. 允正 Yun Zheng
  20. 允许 permit
  21. 允许保释的 bailable
  22. 允许偏离范围 leeway
  23. 允许偏移量 allowable offset
  24. 允许尺寸偏差 allowable dimension variatio...
  25. 允许应力 permissible stress
  26. 允许条件 enabled condition
  27. 允许申辩 allow sb. to argue his case
  28. 允许磨蚀度 corrosion allowance
  29. 允许范围 allowed band
  30. 允许误差 allowable error
  31. 允许质量指标 acceptable quality level
  32. 允许赊欠 give credit
  33. 允许载荷 allowable load
  34. 允许进入大学试读 be admitted to college on pr...
  35. 允许进场 approach clearance
  36. 允许速度 permissible velocity
  37. 允许间隙 allowable clearance
  38. 允许频率 tolerance frequency
  39. 允诺 promise
  40. 允诺不诉诸武力 undertake not to resort to t...
  41. 允诺保释 assent to release on bail
  42. 允诺常常是靠不住的 Promise are,like piecrust,ma...
  43. first
  44. 元件 element
  45. 元凶 crime culprit
  46. 元刻本 a Yuan Dynasty block-printed...
  47. 元勋 a man of great merit
  48. 元古代 Proterozoic era
  49. 元古界 Proterozoic erathem
  50. 元器件 component

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