1. 补习 take lessons after school or...
  2. 补习学校 continuation school
  3. 补习教育 supplementary education
  4. 补习班 a class for supplementary sc...
  5. 补习班招生已满额 The continuation class has a...
  6. 补习课程 remedial course
  7. 补交税款 pay taxes in arrears
  8. 补付 make up a deficiency in paym...
  9. 补休 take deferred holidays
  10. 补修 study for a second time cour...
  11. 补修不及格的课程 repeat failed courses
  12. 补修学分 catch up with the credit req...
  13. 补假 take deferred holidays
  14. 补偏救弊 remedy defects and rectify e...
  15. 补偿 compensate
  16. 补偿器 compensator
  17. 补偿器旋钮 compensator knob
  18. 补偿差额 make up a deficiency
  19. 补偿性财政政策 compensatory fiscal policy
  20. 补偿损失 compensate for the loss meet
  21. 补偿某人损失 indemnify sb. for his loss
  22. 补偿贸易 compensation trade
  23. 补元气 help restore vitality
  24. 补充 replenish
  25. 补充两点意见 have two points to add
  26. 补充兵员 fill up to full strength
  27. 补充合同 supplementary contract
  28. 补充存货 replenish the stock
  29. 补充库存 replenish the stock
  30. 补充技术力量 recruit technical forces
  31. 补充报导 follow-up report
  32. 补充条款 rider
  33. 补充规定 additional regulations
  34. 补充议题 supplementary items on the a...
  35. 补充说明 additional remarks
  36. 补充读物 supplementary reading materi...
  37. 补充饲料 supplement feed
  38. 补其不足 make up a deficiency
  39. 补其所短 make up for one's shortcomin...
  40. 补其缺漏 compensate for the shortage ...
  41. 补养 take a tonic or nourishing f...
  42. 补养膏 tisane
  43. 补养药疗法 conservative medication
  44. 补剂 tonic
  45. 补剂疗法 tonic treatment
  46. 补助 subsidy
  47. 补助费 subsidy
  48. 补印 reprint
  49. 补发 supply again
  50. 补发工资 pay increased wages retroact...

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