1. 表值 tabular value
  2. 表元素 table element
  3. 表兄 elder male cousin
  4. 表兄弟 cousin
  5. 表册 statistical forms
  6. 表决 put to the vote
  7. 表决元件 voting element
  8. 表决制度 voting system
  9. 表决心 express one's determination ...
  10. 表决指示器 vote indicator
  11. 表决机器 voting machine
  12. 表决权 voting power
  13. 表决程序 voting procedure
  14. 表决系统 voting system
  15. 表决通过 vote through
  16. 表功 boast of one's bit of contri...
  17. 表压 gage pressure
  18. 表叔 son of one's grandfather's s...
  19. 表哥 a son of father's sister or ...
  20. 表土 topsoil
  21. 表土中耕 surface cultivation
  22. 表土层 pedosphere
  23. 表土施肥 surface manuring
  24. 表土耕作 surface tillage
  25. 表型 phenotype
  26. 表型临界期 phenocritical period
  27. 表型值 phenotypic value
  28. 表型同类交配 somatic assortative mating
  29. 表型学 phenetics
  30. 表型效应 phenotypic effect
  31. 表型方差 phenotypic variance
  32. 表型模拟 phenocopy
  33. 表型混合 phenotypic mixing
  34. 表型相关交配 phenotypic assortative matin...
  35. 表型群 phenogroup
  36. 表型迟延现象 phenotypic lag
  37. 表型选择 phenotypic selection
  38. 表型遗传学 phenogenetics
  39. 表处理 list processing
  40. 表处理技术 list processing technique
  41. 表处理程序 list processing routine
  42. 表处理语言 list processing languages
  43. 表奏 memorial to the throne chart
  44. 表妹 younger female cousin
  45. 表姐 elder female cousin
  46. 表姐妹 cousin
  47. 表婶 wife of father's younger cou...
  48. 表嫂 wife of an elder cousin
  49. 表字 secondary personal name
  50. 表寒 exterior cold

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