


  1. A band of Italian traders were encamped not far from the laagers, where many women and children were killed.
  2. Two companies were sited in the redoubt; another company occupied the cattle kraal and the remaining infantry manned the laager.
  3. Polish infantry, cavalry and artillery interacting with each other led to the breach in the laager Russian-Cossack army.
  4. We were immediately marched off to the Boer laager . . . The work of destruction on the Station then commenced.
  5. Ndlela was not to attack the Trekkers when they were in a defensive wagon laager position, especially not during the day.
  6. It's difficult to find laager in a sentence. 用laager造句挺难的
  7. "It looks 99.9 percent certain the deal will go through, " said Bank Sarasin analyst Patrick Laager.
  8. The English, aware of their approach, formed a " laager " with the supply wagons, lining the circumference with bowmen.
  9. After passing through the gate one finds oneself inside a big laager consisting of 64 ox-wagons made out of decorative granite.
  10. The gunners had been told that if the Zulus got in close they were to abandon their guns and make for the laager.
  11. Around the laager itself, 700 Zulu bodies were counted and 300 more were killed in the mounted chase of the retreating warriors.
  12. "Major Wilson and his brave men are seen in laager in order to snatch a brief rest after a long forced march.
  13. On 2 November, after he had spent the morning on a raid on a Boer laager, French received orders to leave Ladysmith.
  14. A group of wagons may be used to create an improvised fort called a laager, made by circling them to form an enclosure.
  15. To secure his right flank, he arranged the supply wagons in a defensive laager, a circular formation to provide cover to the men.
  16. The cavalry battle was won by the Polish Tatar side, so that the Russian-Cossack troops standing in laager lost their flank cover.
  17. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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