


  1. Two minutes later, Palffy zinged a shot that was turned away by a sprawling Kiprusoff.
  2. But what really zinged the baseball sweet tooth had nothing to do with Mariners or weather or results.
  3. Moog never touched Marchant's shot as it zinged into the net for the game-winning goal.
  4. He learns it is a book about how her mother and Dracula " Zinged " and fell in love.
  5. His manner was so charming and disarming, teammates couldn't help but smile even as Hunter zinged them.
  6. It's difficult to find zinged in a sentence. 用zinged造句挺难的
  7. The next time they met, Johnson zinged a slider off Larson's right toe _ the same toe.
  8. Out of joy, Clement tossed his bandana into one section of the frenzied crowd and zinged his shirt into another.
  9. "Hey, Byron, is that your Mother's Day gift ? " zinged O'Connell.
  10. Two weeks ago, Spitzer zinged Merrill Lynch by making public some of the firm's internal e-mails.
  11. Questions zinged from the bench down at lawyers trying to present their argument about the immunity of a sitting president from lawsuits.
  12. Fuzzy Zoeller zinged Tiger Woods with stupid, blithely delivered racial comments on April 13, the final day of the Masters.
  13. Kerry would go 20 passes without missing someone, just throwing it with that slingshot passing motion, every one zinged in there.
  14. But with Andy Tomberlin at bat, Wohlers zinged a wild pitch that scored Espinoza to cut the Braves'lead to one run.
  15. She zinged Checchi for his negative ads, but then called him a wheeler-dealer attempting a corporate take-over of California.
  16. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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