rain gauge造句

"rain gauge"是什么意思   


  1. Dean of engineering , the university of hong kong , praised students for their engineering creativity in the design and implementation of a wide variety of rain gauges
  2. Their supervisor , mr . tse ming wai , said that the students were aware of only a few designs for automatic rain gauges at the beginning of the project
  3. Lam , director of the hong kong observatory , greatly appreciated the effort and ideas of the students , in particular the rain gauge of the senior champion team - tin shui wai government secondary school
  4. He obeyed and followed the instructions of his supervisors in his assignments and was willing to perform duties not relating to estate management work , for instance , measuring and recording weather data , cleaning the utensils like evaporation pan , rain gauge etc . he set high standards for himself
  5. Among these 62 stations , 24 are " full " stations from which measurements of winds , temperature , humidity , pressure and rainfall are made continuously by the field systems ; there are nine stations equipped with anemometers only ; another network of eight anemometer stations located in the airport areas is dedicated for the wind analyzer system for aircraft safety ; there is also a network of 21 rain gauge stations
    (一) 24个设有全套测量仪器的自动气象站,不断测量风速、风向、气温、湿度、气压和雨量; (二) 9个?设置风速表的自动气象站; (三) 8个分布于机场范围内不同位置的风速表站,它们组成了一个网络,专门为一套风分析系统提供数据,以确保航空交通的安全;
  6. It's difficult to find rain gauge in a sentence. 用rain gauge造句挺难的
  7. Among these 62 stations , 24 are " full " stations from which measurements of winds , temperature , humidity , pressure and rainfall are made continuously by the field systems ; there are nine stations equipped with anemometers only ; another network of eight anemometer stations located in the airport areas is dedicated for the wind analyzer system for aircraft safety ; there is also a network of 21 rain gauge stations
  8. The results indicate that : only with a few rain gauges to adjust the radar estimated rainfall , authors could simulate the runoff as good as that from rain - gauge - network - measured rainfall ; the accuracy of radar rainfall estimation to heavy rain acts as a more important role than that of light rain ; the estimation error of amount precipitation over a period can be treated as an index for runoff simulation ability
  9. The optimum interpolation method is used to estimate radar measured rainfall which then be applied to topmodel to simulate discharge of shiguanhe catchment during the summer of 1998 in game hubex project . comparison of simulated discharges between radar and rain gauge implements over a 1500 - hour series
    运用雷达联合少量雨量计方法估测流域面雨量,结合game hubex国际合作项目1998年加强观测期在史灌河流域获取的水文观测资料和topmodel进行降水径流模拟,并与稠密雨量计站网测量的面雨量进行流域出口流量模拟的对比试验。
  10. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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