


  1. What attracted his attention lying on the apron of the dresser ? four polygonal fragments of two lacerated scarlet betting tickets , numbered 887 , 886
    两张撕成了四块多角形碎片的深红色赛马券43 ,号码是: 887 , 886 。
  2. The day of azure blue color , resemble the bai yun like lacerate cotton , the brick wall that ochre draws , the lilac of lilac color . . . . . .
    湛蓝色的天,象撕碎的棉花一样的白云,赭石画成的砖墙,雪青色的丁香花. . . . . . .真是太美好了。
  3. Lacerates the enemy target , making them bleed for 155 damage over 15 sec and causing a high amount of threat . this effect stacks up to 5 times on the same target
  4. Wanting a proof is the quality problem that attributes a bag , him and rather than error - - via examining for instance the bag is not lacerate of other people of you feng benefit
    要证实是属于包的质量问题,而非自己的过失? ?比如经检验包并非由锋利物划破。
  5. Do not insert pins into the unit ; do not fix the unit with pins or metal objects ; do not use the sharp appliances to lacerate or use the blunt appliances knock on the unit
  6. It's difficult to find lacerate in a sentence. 用lacerate造句挺难的
  7. The nanoscratching data showed that the thickness of ti - dlc film was about 700 nm . the load on the sample was 80mn and the friction force was 18mn when the film was lacerated
    纳米划痕实验结果表明, ti - dlc膜的厚度大约为700nm ,划破时的纵向载荷为80mn ,摩擦力为18mn 。
  8. She was repelled by those lacerated hands , grimed by toil so that the very dirt of life was ingrained in the flesh itself , by that red chafe of the collar and those bulging muscles
  9. Weapons will jam and misfire , cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men , lacerated and dismembered by pike , bayonet and shot
    武器有可能塞住并哑火,加农炮有可能失灵并爆炸(或被炸毁) ,战场上剩下受伤以及垂死的人,被当被长矛、刺刀还有子弹割裂或肢解。
  10. Weapons will jam and misfire , cannons will seize up and explode as the field of conflict becomes strewn with the bodies of wounded and dying men , lacerated and dismembered by pike , bayonet and shot
  11. The pistol i had heard had doubtless been fired at her . the shot had frightfully lacerated her throat , leaving two gaping wounds from which , as well as the mouth , the blood was pouring in floods . she was stone dead
  12. Because the odour inhaled corresponded to other odours inhaled of other unguinal fragments , picked and lacerated by master bloom , pupil of mrs ellis s juvenile school , patiently each night in the act of brief genuflection and nocturnal prayer and ambitious meditation
  13. I softened considerably what related to the three days of wandering and starvation , because to have told him all would have been to inflict unnecessary pain : the little i did say lacerated his faithful heart deeper than i wished
  14. Sensible of a benignant persistent ache in his footsoles he extended his foot to one side and observed the creases , protuberances and salient points caused by foot pressure in the course of walking repeatedly in several different directions , then , inclined , he disnoded the laceknots , unhooked and loosened the laces , took off each of his two boots for the second time , detached the partially moistened right sock through the fore part of which the nail of his great toe had again effracted , raised his right foot and , having unhooked a purple elastic sock suspender , took off his right sock , placed his unclothed right foot on the margin of the seat of his chair , picked at and gently lacerated the protruding part of the great toenail , raised the part lacerated to his nostrils and inhaled the odour of the quick , then with satisfaction threw away the lacerated unguinal fragment
    随后他弯下身去,解起打成结子的靴带:先掰搭钩,松开靴带,再一次一只只地脱下靴子235 。右边那只短袜湿了一部分,大脚趾甲又把前面捅破并伸了出去,这下于便跟靴子分开了。他抬起右脚,摘下紫色的松紧袜带后,扒下右面那只袜子,将赤着的右脚放在椅屉儿上,用手指去撕扯长得挺长的大拇脚趾甲,并轻轻地把它拽掉,还举至到鼻子那儿,嗅嗅自己肉体的气味,然后就心满意足地丢掉从趾甲上扯下来的这一碎片。
  15. Her training warned her of peril and of wrong , subtle , mysterious , luring ; while her instincts rang clarion - voiced through her being , impelling her to hurdle caste and place and gain to this traveller from another world , to this uncouth young fellow with lacerated hands and a line of raw red caused by the unaccustomed linen at his throat , who , all too evidently , was soiled and tainted by ungracious existence
  16. As the inquisition rarely allowed its victims to be seen with their limbs distorted and their flesh lacerated by torture , so madness is always concealed in its cell , from whence , should it depart , it is conveyed to some gloomy hospital , where the doctor has no thought for man or mind in the mutilated being the jailer delivers to him . the very madness of the abb
  17. 更多例句:  上一页  


  1. "lacepede bay"造句
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  4. "lacer"造句
  5. "lacera"造句
  6. "lacerated"造句
  7. "lacerated posters"造句
  8. "lacerated spleen"造句
  9. "lacerated wound"造句
  10. "lacerater"造句

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