


  1. Application value of rescue icsi of unfertilized oocytes after ivf
  2. Without ivf , then , the number of danes would be shrinking fast
  3. Pregnancy outcome in hyper - responders during controlled ovarian hyperstimulation in ivf icsi cycles
  4. The technique is derived from a procedure already used during in vitro fertilisation ( ivf )
    此技术源于已经在试管婴儿( ivf )技术中使用的一种方法。
  5. The technique is derived from a procedure already used during in vitro fertilisation ( ivf )
    这项技术是基于现存的试管受精( ivf )技术的一个中间环节。
  6. It's difficult to find ivf in a sentence. 用ivf造句挺难的
  7. Creating that many lines could require millions of discarded embryos from ivf clinics
  8. As the conference heard , ivf does seem to be keeping up the numbers in at least one country
  9. Estonia is also subsidising ivf and hopes to increase the number of ivf babies to about 1 in 30
    爱沙尼亚也在补助试管受精,并且希望把试管婴儿的数量提高1比30 。
  10. Accordingly , they thought that their best strategy would be to keep the federal government from financing ivf research
  11. Their program comprised of relaxation training , stress management and psycho - education had a higher pregnancy rate of ivf treatment
  12. So far , the technique of sheep ' s in vitro fertilization ( ivf ) still needs perfection , a lot of problems call for urgent solutions
  13. Despite lavish ivf subsidies , there is precious little research to support the contention that it will boost birth rates
  14. The success rate of ivf would not change significantly if only one embryo was implanted per treatment , the expert group claims
    如果每次治疗只移植一个胚胎, ivf的成功率也不会显著改变,专家组提到。
  15. That it is not may have something to do with the fact that in denmark the taxpayer will cover up to six cycles of ivf treatment
  16. About 16 , 000 childless korean couples will be able to obtain a government subsidy for half the cost of their ivf treatment
  17. 更多例句:  上一页    下一页


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