eager beaver中文什么意思

发音:   用"eager beaver"造句
  • eager:    adj. 1.〔多用作述语〕渴望,极 ...
  • beaver:    n. 〔美俚〕胡须;留有漂亮胡须的人 ...
  • eager-beaver:    adj. 巴结上司的,讨好卖乖的。
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  1. One eager beaver raised his hand and said , “ the point is , no matter how full your schedule is , if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it
    一位学员迫不及待地举手回答: “这说明,不管你的时间表排得多满,只要用心,总可挤出时间来做其他事。 ”
  2. One eager beaver raised his hand and said , “ the point is , no matter how full your schedule its , if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it
    一位学员迫不及待地举手回答: “这说明,不管你的时间表排得多满,只要用心,总可挤出时间来做其他事。 ”
  3. One eager beaver raised his hand and said , " the point is , no matter how full your schedule is , if you try really hard , you can always fit some more things into it !
    一个学生迫切的举起了他的手并说: “这说明了,无论你的日程有多满,如果你真的努力争取,那么你总是能够塞进更多的事情。 ”
  4. One eager beaver raised his hand and said , “ the point is , no matter how full your schedule is , if you try really hard you can always fit some more things in it
    一个学习勤奋的同学举手说: “它说明的道理是:无论你的计划安排得有多么满,如果你真的去努力,你总是可以为别的事情腾出时间! ”


  1. an alert and energetic person
    同义词:busy bee, live wire, sharpie, sharpy


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  2. eagar 什么意思
  3. eagel 什么意思
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  5. eager 什么意思
  6. eager evaluation 什么意思
  7. eager face 什么意思
  8. eager for 什么意思
  9. eager for or fond of adventure 什么意思
  10. eager heaver 什么意思


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