wage differential中文什么意思

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  1. First , the existence of the regional labor wage differentials in china during recent years is supported by the analysis of variance ( anova )
  2. In future wage differentials should be widened , so that genuinely capable people who have contributed greatly to the country receive much higher pay than others
  3. The conclusions of the paper are , in the era of economic transition , the effect of gender factor on employment access has diminished , but the gender wage differential has increased
  4. The brc said : “ if the minimum wage continues to grow at its recent average rate , employment will fall and employers will find themselves unable to reward skills , preserve wage differentials and provide valued non - wage benefits
    英国零售商协会表示: “如果最低工资继续以近来的平均速度增长,那么就业率将下降,雇主也会发现自己无力奖励技能高超的员工、保持薪资差距并提供宝贵的非薪资福利。
  5. In addition , it is found that the change in mainland china ' s regional urban - rural income differential is primarily affected by the urban - rural employment wage differential , foreign direct investment , the share of the state sector , the level of agricultural financial subsidies , and the one - child policy


  1. wage cut 什么意思
  2. wage day 什么意思
  3. wage deduction 什么意思
  4. wage determination 什么意思
  5. wage differences 什么意思
  6. wage differentials 什么意思
  7. wage discrimination 什么意思
  8. wage disparity 什么意思
  9. wage drift 什么意思
  10. wage earner 什么意思


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