easter monday中文什么意思

发音:   用"easter monday"造句
  • easter:    n. 【宗教】复活节。
  • monday:    n. 星期一,礼拜一。 a Mond ...
  • on monday:    在星期一; 在周一
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  1. Easter monday 9 april
  2. On easter monday , joseph went to gimmerton fair with some cattle ; and , in the afternoon , i was busy getting up linen in the kitchen
  3. How are all in cork s own town ? - i was down there for the cork park races on easter monday , ned lambert said . same old six and eightpence
    “复活节的星期一,我去看科克公园的赛马105了, ”内德兰伯特说, “还是老一套,六先令八便士106 。
  4. The main event is held on easter sunday but also includes two bank holidays - national days off work - on good friday and easter monday
    最主要的庆祝活动将在复活节星期日举行,但是这期间还包含了两个银行假日- - - -耶稣受难日和复活节星期一,这两天都是国家法定假日。
  5. There are no lessons on the following dates which are public holidays in italy : 6th january , easter monday , 25th april , 1st may , 2nd june , 15th august , 1st november , 8th december


Easter Monday (also known as Egg Nyte) is the day after Easter Sunday and is celebrated as a holiday in some largely Christian cultures, especially Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox cultures. Easter Monday in the Roman Catholic liturgical calendar is the second day of the octave of Easter Week and analogously in the Eastern Orthodox Church is the second day of Bright Week.


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