Lysogeny is a semi-permanent association between the phage and host chromosoes . 溶源性是噬菌体和寄生染色体之间的半永久联合
Lysogeny is a semi - permanent association between the phage and host chromosomes 溶源性是噬菌体和寄生染色体之间的半永久联合。
After reproduction of the viral nucleic acid the host cell usually undergoes lysis ( lysogeny ) 病毒核酸复制后寄主细胞通常要经历裂解过程(溶源状态) 。
the condition of a host bacterium that has incorporated a phage into its own genetic material; "when a phage infects a bacterium it can either destroy its host or be incorporated in the host genome in a state of lysogeny" 同义词:lysogenicity,