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  • 例句与用法
  • And my guts red roaring after lowry s lights
  • Method for the determination of aqueous extractable protein in natural rubber gloves using the lowry method
    天然橡胶手套中水抽提蛋白质.测定方法. lowry法
  • Two more chances came villa ' s way in the nervy closing minutes but they were spurned by shane paul and shane lowry
  • Standard test method for analysis of aqueous extractable protein in natural rubber and its products using the modified lowry method
  • Mr bloom s glance travelled down the edge of the paper , scanning the deaths . callan , coleman , dignam , fawcett , lowry , naumann , peake , what peake is that
  • Lead researcher dr chris lowry said : " these studies help us understand how the body communicates with the brain and why a healthy immune system is important for maintaining mental health .
  • An old theorem from the first half of the nineteenth century by lowry , wallace , bolyai and gerwien asserts that any simple polygon can be dissected into a finite number of pieces and put back together to form any other simple polygon of the same area
    十九世纪上半叶lowry , wallace , bolyai与gerwien同时证明了一个古老的数学命题:任意给定平面上一个简单多边形,必可将其分划成有限块,重新安排,拼成另一个任意给定的等面积的简单多边形。
  • In order to detect the effect of human sperm mannose - ligand receptor on the fertilization ability , in the study reported here mannose - ligand receptors ( mrs ) were purified from human sperm by modified mannose - agarose gel affinity chromatography coloumn and determined protien concentration by lowry , preincubated zona - free hamster oocytes with four purified mannose - ligand receptor ( pmr ) concentrations before sperm penetration assay ( spa ) to test the pmrs cell biology nature of inhibition to fertilization
    本研究用改良后的亲和层析法分离纯化mr , lowry法测定其蛋白质浓度,在精子穿透试验( spermpenetrationassay , spa )模型中定量研究其对精卵融合能力的影响并检测其细胞生物学活性;以已知浓度的pmr ( purifiedmannose - ligandreceptor )干预精子半透明带试验,观察用pmr预处理半透明带对精子与透明带结合的影响。
  • 其他语种释义
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