Effect of 12 - lipoxygenase on the at1 receptor expression in mesangial cells 1型受体表达的影响
Study on storage technique of asparagus and application of lipoxygenase inhibitor 芦笋保鲜技术研究及脂氧合酶抑制剂的保鲜应用初探
Expression of 5 - lipoxygenase in the peritoneal macrophages of rat cultured in vitro 脂氧合酶在体外培养的大鼠腹腔巨噬细胞中的表达
Identification of agronomic and quality charaters of soybean varieties with lacking lipoxygenase in guizhou 贮藏年份对大豆种子活力及农艺性状的影响
In the experiment , we used one kind of lipoxygenase genes ( rci - 1 ) as an index of stress resistance 本实验将水稻脂氧合酶基因( rci - 1 )作为衡量水稻抗逆性的一个指标。
Protective effect of 5 - lipoxygenase inhibitor zileuton on focal cerebral ischemia - reperfusion injury in rats 通络注射液对局灶性脑缺血及局灶性脑缺血再灌注大鼠的保护作用
Changes of lipoxygenase activity and memberane fatty acid composition in postharvest ripening peach prunus persica l . fruit 桃果实采后脂氧合酶活性和膜脂脂肪酸组分的变化
Effects of lipoxygenase on ripening and softening of jujube fruit kou xiaohong , yan shijie , wu cai e , wang rufu , liang liya , guo chunrong , li chen , zhang ailing 乳酸菌发酵对超微猪骨粉营养及理化特性的影响
Hydroperoxides were produced from unsaturated fatty acid in oils catalyzed by lipoxygenase , then in the hydroperoxide lyase , the grassy green and leafy green aroma volatile aldehydes were made 摘要脂肪氧合酶催化油脂中的不饱和脂肪酸生成氢过氧化物,氢过氧化物再在裂解酶的作用下,生成具有青草香、青叶香香气特征的挥发性醛类物质。
The basic approach of unsaturated fatty acid catalyzed and oxygened by enzyme , the preparation of lipoxygenase and production of hydroperoxides , the preparation of hydroperoxide lyase and cleaving of hydroperoxides were mostly discussed 主要论述了不饱和脂肪酸酶催化氧化的基本途径,脂肪氧合酶的制备及氢过氧化物的生成,裂解酶的制备及氢过氧化物的裂解过程。